Monday, November 9, 2009

How to Housebreak Dogs

How to housebreak dogs.
The main thing to keep in mind is be patient. Some breeds and dogs take longer than other to learn.
Tips for making the process smoother.

Watch the puppy or take the puppy out.  Don't assume becuase you put them outside does not mean they have relieved themselves.

Clean up spills and accidents immediately- if you catch your dog relieving itself indoors immediately take them outside and give a command -go potty or similar. Keep it short and don't repeat yourself.

Blot up spills with paper towels or clothes designated for this purpose. Then use an enzyme cleaner to remove the smell.

If you dog has already marked a territory inside your house.  Even after repeated cleanings then try covering the area with plastic mats or runners. These will help mask the smell and make clean-up easier.

If you dog is determined to pee in a certain spot indoors another thing to try it to feed them in the area. Dogs usually don't like to eat in the same area they relive themselves.

It takes time and careful attention. Watch your dog carefully, especially if they seem to heading to their favorite indoor peeing area. Take the dog outside and give it the peeing command. Again only once and use short words. Use the same command every time. Dogs have limited vocabulary and don't care about syntax.

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